Centre for Language and Speech Technology

Website http://www.ru.nl/clst
Consortium CLARIAH-NL
Type(s) C
Description CLST was founded in January 2003. Its objective is to contribute to the development of language and speech technology.
CoreTrustSeal none
Repository system Our data are presently offered via MPI (https://corpus1.mpi.nl/ds/asv/?0&openpath=node:2102153)
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Organisational information

Organisation name Radboud University
Institution Centre for Language and Speech Technology
Working unit Centre for Language and Speech Technology
Shorthand CLST
Postal address P.O. Box 9103
6500 HD
The Netherlands
Expertise Language and speech technology in the contexts of data mining, language learning and speech therapy


Administrative contact Henk van den Heuvel
Technical contact Wessel Stoop